Upload Images and Earn Money


This is the only photo sharing platform in the world where you get paid when your photos are viewed. Plus, it’s FREE to sign up!

How it works

If you’re passionate about photography, why not take the opportunity to sign up to ITUP where you can keep your image rights, keep your data and earn money when someone views your photo? It’s a unique platform that helps you get paid for your photos, with a huge audience at your fingertips.

Make money as a photographer

ITUP is a unique way for photographers to do what they love and make money at the same time. Our photo sharing platform is used by over 1,000,000 photographers, collectively bringing in over 44 million viewers to the platform in our 4th year. You no longer have to rely solely on sales alone. With ITUP, you can have a passive revenue source from people viewing your photos.

  • No account , No signup
  • Make money from anywhere
  • Get paid for your images
  • Upload any type of images ( Festival , Nature, Places, Logo, Store, Product, Common images and more )
  • File type : Images only ( jpg, png, jpeg, raw )
  • Payment method in India ( Google Pay, Bank transfer or UPI ) other countries PayPal .